SHOS joins IRENA’s Coalition for Action


Solar Head of State is pleased to announce our membership of the International Renewable Energy Agency's (IRENA) Coalition for Action, a global alliance with the mission of promoting technological and civil advancements in renewable energy. Solar Head of State will join 55 leading players in renewable energy from around the world in a collective effort towards a more sustainable future.

IRENA’s Coalition for Action aims to make global progress towards the future of renewable energy by supporting the decarbonization of local, state, and national economies. They achieve this through investing, campaigning, and supporting organizations from the private, nonprofit and government sectors. According to IRENA, by 2050 renewables will contribute about $19 trillion to the world economy and create 6 million jobs in renewable energy.

As members, Solar Head of State will be able to use this opportunity to support our mission of transforming world leaders into green leaders and to demonstrate the benefits of solar energy to communities around the world.

The members of the Coalition have agreed on the following principles:

1.  Support energy transition through promoting the sustainable use of renewable energy technologies;

2. Collectively make a compelling case for renewable energy based on the compilation of the latest knowledge and examples;

3. Communicate renewable energy with the public through clear, truthful messages, in a manner that is both harmonised and targeted;

4. Commit to addressing public concerns over renewable energy technologies by applying best practices and engaging concerned parties;

5. Share evidence, communication material, ideas and contacts with members to strengthen the cases and support for renewable energy.

Find out more about Solar Head of State’s work here.