Caribbean Clean Energy Champion joins SHOS

We are excited to announce Dr James (Jimmy) Fletcher as an advisor to Solar Head of State. James is a longstanding champion of renewable energy in the Caribbean and worldwide who brings with him a broad experience of international climate politics.

James is the former Saint Lucian Minister for Public Service, Information, Broadcasting, Sustainable Development, Energy, Science and Technology. He served in that position from December 2011 to June 2016. During his tenure, Dr Fletcher led Saint Lucia on an aggressive path toward the modernization of the energy sector. This involved a comprehensive program of reforming the energy legislation, establishing an independent multi-sector regulator for electricity and water, mobilizing new investments in wind energy and solar energy, reviving geothermal exploration, installing rooftop solar PV on government buildings, and securing funding for the complete replacement of the island’s stock of street lights with energy-efficient LED lights.

Dr Fletcher has also been active in the international climate change negotiations. He was chosen by the French President of COP21 to be a member of a small, select group of ministers who were charged with the responsibility for achieving consensus among the Parties to the Climate Change Convention on the more contentious elements of the Paris Agreement. Dr Fletcher also led negotiations on behalf of the Alliance of Small Island States (AOSIS) on the sensitive subject of Loss and Damage and was a member of the High Ambition Coalition that helped to develop the momentum and support for an effective and ambitious climate change agreement.

Prior to serving as a Minister, Dr. Fletcher served as the Director of Social and Sustainable Development at the Organization of Eastern Caribbean States (OECS) Secretariat, Cabinet Secretary in the Government of Saint Lucia, and Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries.

Currently, James manages his own company, SOLORICON, which provides consulting services in sustainable energy, climate change, information and communications technology, agriculture and rural development, and public policy development. Dr Fletcher holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Biochemistry from the University of Ottawa, Canada and a Doctor of Philosophy degree in Crop Physiology from the University of Cambridge, England.

We are delighted to have Jimmy join our team and look forward to working with him to champion the leaders of the clean energy revolution.