SHOS joins IRENA's SIDS Lighthouse Initiative


Solar Head of State (SHOS) has been confirmed as a member of the Small Island Developing States (SIDS) Lighthouse Initiative by the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA).

The SIDS Lighthouse Initiative brings together 36 SIDS and 21 development partners to accelerate the renewable energy transition in SIDS by facilitating coordinated support for islands to scale-up renewable energy through partnerships with public and private organisations. Through the Lighthouse Initiative, SIDS have benefitted - among other things - from funding and advisory services including renewable energy roadmaps, policies and grid stability studies. Partnerships are key in addressing the specific challenges of SIDS in their energy transformation.

Solar Head of State is also a member of IRENA's Coalition for Action and looks forward to strengthening the collaboration through the addition of the SIDS Lighthouse Initiative.

Learn more about IRENA's SIDS Lighthouse Initiative here.